Awarded 'Official Selection' at International Photography Awards 2022


Location: Colombia/Peru/Brazil — Year: 2022

It is hard to overstate the size of the Amazon Rainforest. Spanning from the edge of the Andes mountains in the West to the Atlantic Ocean in the East, it may seem like an enormous wilderness. That is far from the case, however; every part of it is home to indigenous people.

In the heart of the jungle lies the city of Leticia, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest connecting road but at the shore of the Amazon River, the artery of the forest. From the port of Leticia, boats leave into the depths of the Amazon.
Life in the communities and tribes of the Amazon is one of tradition: fish are caught in the clean-watered lakes; small fields, chagras, are cultivated; diseases are cured with rituals and herbs and children learn early where to go and where not to. A primitive and sometimes dangerous life, but also one of natural plenty.
But even here, the tentacles of globalization have reached. People now have access to all the goods and opportunities of the World but no money to buy them with. For many, the only ways of earning any are drug production and illegal exploitation of the forest – their home. They have been placed on a global ladder to find themselves on the lowest step.
With opportunities and threats, life on the river is sure to change forever. The question is if it is for the better.